It's hard to imagine the vast devastation the 8.9-magnitude earthquake has cause in Japan. It's said to be the worst disaster since the atomic attacks in WWII and will cost around 150 - 200 billion dollars to rebuild. Few survivors have been found, but they continue to search for their sons, daughters, husbands, parents and friends.
Shirley and I have already made our donations to the
American Redcross Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami but we are not rich people and it just doesn't feel like enough. So we've decided to donate our time by shooting a wedding and donating 100% of it to the Redcross.
If you can meet these requirements, please send me an
email for details.
1. You must book at least our base 8 hour photography package. We are donating up to 40 hours (shoot time for two photographers and editing) of our time so we want it to be worth it.
2. You have to be a brand new client, not someone we were already talking to about hiring us.
3. The donation is due in full when you book us. Your wedding date can be next year but I think now is when Japan need our help the most. You can even make the donation yourself and claim it. We just ask that you show proof of the donation.
It's hard to look at these
pictures and not feel the urge to want to help. Even if you don't book a wedding with us you can still donate to the many
organizations out there. But before you make a donation be sure to research where your money is going. There are already
scammers out there trying to make a buck from this tragity. Karma will take care of them like it will take care of us.